-shape the future of work-
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Balcon Ukraine, Kyiv
hot desk 👥: ₴300 per day hot desk 👥: ₴4,500 per month fixed desk 👤: ₴6,900 per month
### Робочий простір для інноваційних людей у Києві Оптоволоконний інтернет та Starlink, генератори, укриття в пішій доступності. Робочі місця, івент-сервіс, гнучкі офіси «під ключ» для команд від 1 до 500+ осіб. (перейменований "cherdak #PLATINUM")
вул. М. Гришка, 3 БЦ Platinum, 3й поверх [email protected]
+ Day: 300 грн /день + нефіксоване: 4500 грн /місяць + фіксоване: 6900 грн /місяць

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Platforma Art-Zavod
Platforma Art-Zavod Ukraine, Kyiv
hot desk 👥: ₴300 per day hot desk 👥: $85 per month fixed desk 👤: $150 per month
Coworking Platforma Art-Zavod lives up to it’s name. On three spacious floors there are creative teams, developers and freelance artists. The entire territory of the Art Factory is located in Kyiv on the left bank and is open to entrepreneurs, so plans on lawns in summer are not uncommon. You can choose a kitchen that you like best for design or personal needs, because there are several on each floor. For a quick rest, the Art Factory has a zen room where you can sleep or just spend a couple o
st. Belomorskaya, 1a 24/7
+ Day Pass: 300 UAH + Lounge: $85 /month (shared desk) + Open Space: $150 /month + Private Office: from $200 /month Meeting Rooms: from $8 per hour Lecture Halls: from $20 per hour

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Bazis Coworking
Bazis Coworking Ukraine, Kyiv
hot desk 👥: ₴4,950 per month fixed desk 👤: ₴5,800 per month
Your comfort is our priority Comfortable workplace in the city center. --- + Basic NON-FIXED SEAT 24/7 Non-fixed working place. Chairs of the increased comfort. High-speed internet. Printer & scanner. Tea, coffee, water. Skype-room. Meeting room. Lockers. + Resident FIXED PLACE 24/7 Fixed working place. Chairs of the increased comfort. High-speed internet. Printer & scanner. Tea, coffee, water. Skype-room. Meeting room. Lockers.
Sichovykh Striltsiv str, 12 +380988466334 [email protected]
+ Basic NON-FIXED SEAT: ₴4950 uah/month + Resident FIXED PLACE: ₴5800 uah/month

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The Space
The Space Ukraine, Kyiv
hot desk 👥: ₴350 per day hot desk 👥: $100 per month fixed desk 👤: $130 per month
LOUNGE ZONE Вам доступні 5 різних Lounge-зон. Робоче місце не закріплено – обирайте, де працювати сьогодні: на м'яких диванах, у кріслі біля вікна чи за барною стійкою. Ідеальний варіант для тих, хто має вільний графік. OPEN SPACE За кожним резидентом фіксується робоче місце та шафа для зберігання персональних речей. Усі працюють в навушниках, у тихій атмосфері взаємоповаги. За бажанням Ви можете скористатися вільними місцями у Lounge-зоні. PRIVATE OFFICE Приватні офіси для команд від 2 до 65
м. Київ, вул. Попудренка, 1А метро "Дарниця" [email protected]
ДЕННИЙ АБОНЕМЕНТ - 350 грн Lounge Zone (нефіксоване) - 100$ / місяць Open Space (фіксоване) - від 130$ / місяць

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WorkIT Space Нивки
WorkIT Space Нивки Ukraine, Kyiv
hot desk 👥: ₴500 per day hot desk 👥: $180 per month fixed desk 👤: $250 per month
### Насолода працювати за будь-яких умов Надсучасна та стильна локація знаходиться всього за 7 хвилин від станції метро “Нивки”. Але WORKIT приваблює не лише вдалим розташуванням. ‍ За стриманими сірими фасадами на вас чекають офіси, коворкінг, meeting-room, лаунж-зони, а також відкрита тераса із запаморочливими краєвидами та ресторан, здатний підкорити серце примхливого гурмана. Ніякі незгоди не зможуть зірвати вашу натхненну роботу, адже ми озброїлися потужним генератором і безперебійним Інте
вул. Марка Безручка 24 [email protected]
+ Разове відвідування: 500 грн + Закріплене місце: 250$ / місяць + 10 візитів: 120$ + Не закріплене місце: 180$ / місяць

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Creative State of Gulliver
Creative State of Gulliver Ukraine, Kyiv
hot desk 👥: $30 per day hot desk 👥: $300 per month fixed desk 👤: $330 per month
Creative State of Gulliver is located on the 29th floor of Gulliver Business Center. Two wings and a large open space with two murals and a stage. The location can accommodate more than 300 people. Right in the heart of Kyiv, an incredible view that takes your breath away, cafes, restaurants, entertainment - all this is at your disposal. --- ### 4 REASONS TO CHOOSE THIS LOCATION: 1. Inspiring atmosphere of Los Angeles Los Angeles in the 80s? Easily! Location is created in the best tradi
BC Gulliver, 29th floor, 1-a Sportyvna sq, Kyiv, Ukraine Creative State of Gulliver is located on the 29th floor of Gulliver Business Center - right in the heart of Kyiv. Email: [email protected]
+ ONE DAY ACCESS: $30 + One month Hot Desk: $300 + Fixed Desk: $330 + Private Office: from $500 + Office Suite: from $520 + Super Flex Office: from $520

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Creative State of Arsenal
Creative State of Arsenal Ukraine, Kyiv
hot desk 👥: $30 per day hot desk 👥: $300 per month fixed desk 👤: $330 per month
Creative State of Arsenal is located inside of the giant hangar at the old Arsenal Factory - right in the city center, 100 steps from Arsenalna metro station. The location can accommodate 700 residents. This is a three-floor building with an amazing lounge on the ground, live tree in the middle, a spacious deck with hot desks area, glass ceiling, frescoes, a terrace, a large kitchen, sleep-capsules area, shower cabins and creative business suites on the third floor. That is far from all. ---
A-Station, 8 unit 7, Kniaziv Ostrozkykh str. Creative State of Arsenal is located near Arsenalna metro station - in the heart of the revived Arsenal factory. Email: [email protected]
+ ONE DAY ACCESS: $30 + One month Hot Desk: $300 + Fixed Desk: $330 + Private Office: from $450 + Office Suite: from $480 + Super Flex Office: from $480 + Business Suite: from $2800

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Creative State of Senator
Creative State of Senator Ukraine, Kyiv
hot desk 👥: $20 per day hot desk 👥: $210 per month fixed desk 👤: $230 per month
## Premium, flexible workspaces with a full range of operational services and unique community Creative State of Senator is located on the 14th floor of Senator Business Center (class A), Pechersk district - right in the heart of Kyiv, surrounded by cafes, restaurants, stores and activity hubs, 8 minutes from 2 different metro stations. --- ## 4 REASONS TO CHOOSE THIS LOCATION: 1. ### Inspiring atmosphere of New York ![Inspiring atmosphere of New York](https://creativestates.net/_next/i
BC Senator, 14th floor, 32/2, Kniaziv Ostrozkykh str., Kyiv, Ukraine Creative State of Senator is located on the 14th floor of Senator Business Center - right in the heart of Kyiv. Email: [email protected]
+ ONE DAY ACCESS: $20 + One month Hot Desk: $210 + Fixed Desk: $230 + Private Office: from $300 + Office Suite: from $320 + Super Flex Office: from $320

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Platforma Leonardo
Platforma Leonardo Ukraine, Kyiv
hot desk 👥: ₴400 per day hot desk 👥: $120 per month fixed desk 👤: $200 per month
Coworking Platforma Leonardo is 2300 square meters of working space in the very center of Kiev. Everything here works in the rhythm of modern business. Meet with a partner, hold a presentation, find like-minded people or just work productively with a team — all this can be done in Platforma Leonardo. In addition to a comfortable workplace and conference rooms, there are table football and lounge areas with soft sofas where you can pause between negotiations.
17 B.Khmelnitskogo Str 24/7
+ Day Pass: 400 UAH + Lounge: $120 /month (shared desk) + Open Space: $200 /month + Private Office: from $325 /month Meeting Rooms: from $10 per hour Lecture Hall: $100 per hour

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PEREMOGA Ukraine, Kyiv
hot desk 👥: ₴600 per day fixed desk 👤: $300 per month
People usually choose coworking in Kyiv not only because of the convenient workspace but also because of the special atmosphere and the opportunity to communicate with like-minded people. After all, renting a fixed place or an office in coworking is not a question of either an office in a business center or an apartment. It’s both. Today in the city center there are more than 30 offerings from various local and foreign networks, so if you are looking for a “rent office in Kiev Shevchenkivskii di
Yaroslaviv Val Street, 15, Kyiv [email protected]
+ Hot desk in coworking - 600 UAH / day or 120 UAH / hour + Dedicated desk - $300 /month + Private Office: from $365 + Meeting Rooms: from 800 UAH per hour + Lecture Hall: 4800 UAH per hour
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