-shape the future of work-
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coworkON team
default spaces sorting was changed from "Most recent first" to "Most recently updated" and this datetime will change with any of the following actions: 1) space edit, 2) services prices edit or 3) new photo added

started adding Milan spaces
+ added details about photos (who has added it and when):

Screenshot 2023-11-13 at 11.14.58.jpg

+ space administators can now add titles to the photos ("kitchen", "shared spaces area", etc):

Screenshot 2023-11-12 at 23.09.43.png
"Last updated" has been made SEO-friendlier, moved to the top of space profile and now reflects last update of any one piece of space information - description, price, contact, services or when new photo has been added. Long time (half-year) not updated spaces get "bad red badge" and those updated less than 1 month ago get green one.

+ long time not updated:
Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 16.04.37.png

+ recently updated:
Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 15.51.34.png
+ integrated proper theme with "coworkon colors palette" instead of prebuilt one

+ implemented fancy "ld+json" tags generation for coworking space profiles - Google should love us
+ coworkON bot from now on will watch after changes on space profile and post messages about updates. You can subscribe to corresponding space thread and be informed:

Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 16.08.28.png

+ "Log in" will now redirect you to the page where you clicked on it.
+ added user title ranks with fancy images based on messages number for now: Passerby(0), Newcomer(1), Explorer(20), Contributor(50), Expert(100), Influencer(300), Luminary(1000), Legend(2000):

Screenshot 2023-12-08 at 09.33.35.png
Screenshot 2023-12-08 at 09.24.30.png
+ preferred language selector in navigation for the user - if space has provided descriptions in different languages the preferred one will be used as the selected; if preferred language is not available - fall back default is considered 'English'

Screenshot 2023-12-19 at 22.53.00.png

+ hamburger menu for small screens

Screenshot 2023-12-19 at 22.54.34.png
+ added markers clustering which would make maps more comfortable to use with bigger number of spaces rendered at once

Screenshot 2023-12-22 at 10.37.19.jpg

+ map view is no longer restricted with city filter selected 🌎

Screenshot 2023-12-22 at 18.22.03.jpg
+ revamped spaces lister map functionality to make it focused on distance

+ added `last update` information in spaces lister tiles and highlight it during 'recent' sorting

Screenshot 2023-12-28 at 17.48.38.png

+ functionality to change email on user account

+ provide your Upwork Profile Key (that's for future integrations for freelancers)

+ added avatar images from Community account on space profiles (refreshed periodically, not realtime change):

Screenshot 2023-12-28 at 17.44.42.png

Screenshot 2023-12-28 at 17.43.44.png
+ added notification post when 📸 highlight photo for space is changed

+ when space description or highlight photo is changed, first post in linked thread is also changed automatically

+ exchange rates from now on will be automatically refreshed once per day (for services prices)
+ added phone, Facebook and Instagram as separate coworking space fields:

Screenshot 2024-01-03 at 18.49.20.png
+ improved spaces lister map UX:

Screenshot 2024-01-15 at 12.39.16.jpg

+ adding Chicago and San Francisco spaces
Removed "Regus" and "Spaces" (Regus-associated network) from the catalog for now - too complex, too expensive and overly bureaucratic rent system for independent contractors (freelancers). 🤷‍♂️ For the same reason decided not to add "WeWork"-network spaces. If anyone is interested in their spaces - you can always find the right spot using their official site.
Refreshed information for all coworking spaces in Ukraine (removed closed, updated contacts, prices are actual, etc). 👍
+ Published "Features", "About Us" and basic legal pages.

+ Added footer with links to follow us on social networks. As of now, "Instagram" (https://instagram.com/coworkon) is the one that is more actively maintained than others.

+ Fixed issues with browser history incorrect behaviour during spaces exploring.
+ Stopped enforcing US dollar pricing conversion on spaces lister and profile view. To see prices in USD hover (or touch) price.

Space Profile:
Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 20.54.34.jpg

Spaces Lister ordered by "hot desk, 1 day rent":

Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 21.01.08.jpg
+ At the end of the spaces lister there is now an "Add Space Request" quick and simple dialog for regular users - provide us with one-liner information about the space and we will google-out all the details, add it to the catalog and will try to reach out administrators (owners) to take page ownership. That's for the case when some space missed our attention for whatever reason ...

Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 16.57.53.png

Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 17.02.16.png

Let's build the most thorough coworking spaces catalog together!!
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